Sunday, 24 November 2019


Hoffmaestro belong to a worldwide family of bands thatinclude acts like Manu Chao and Gogol Bordello. Regarding the future of the band, Karl-Uno gets the lastword: Have a look behind the scenes at the "Skank-a-tronik punkadelica tour ". Their aim is to work hard, while retaining the carefreesense of joy and cameraderie that has characterized this band from day one. Since then, they have gradually moved from thesmallest stages to the big ones. Another of their main sources of inspiration is the city of NewOrleans and its sensual sounds — a musical melting pot in itself. Their live shows became staples of the biggest festivals, whilesetting new records of attendance as headliners. hoffmaestro too hype for the radio

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hoffmaestro too hype for the radio

Always up for a challenge,Hoffmaestro started touring Germany two years ago, at the peak of their Swedishfame, choosing to utilize their considerable collective live experience tobuild an entirely new audience.

Hoffmaestro build their audience the old-fashioned way: Click on this text to se our tour dates for this spring and summer. Hoffmaeshro fact that this band can rely on any combination of writers, means that theyare able to avoid being stuck with a predictable formula.

And guess who played live atthose parties?

Too Hype For The Radio (Dig It!?) - Hoffmaestro | Shazam

Their live shows became staples of the biggest festivals, whilesetting new records of attendance as headliners. Another of their main sources of inspiration is the city of NewOrleans and its sensual sounds — a musical melting pot in itself. A lot of bands that have reached national success are toolazy or safe to leave their home country. Hoffmaestro appeared on the Swedish scene around ,during a period of worldwide music industry confusion.

Hoffmaestro belong to a worldwide family of bands thatinclude acts like Manu Chao and Gogol Bordello.

Combining the best of both worlds, Hoffmaestro were able to build theirfollowing playing live, while communicating with the very te people online,thus forging a relationship of mutual respect that lasts to this day. Our lowestlevel is high. The film was a cult success, and theband took off.

Regarding the future of the band, Karl-Uno gets the lastword: During the last seven years, Hoffmaestro have been one ofthe hardest working bands — as well as one of hyype biggest draws — in theirnative Sweden. Twelve studio recordingsthat capture their famous live energy, while adding nuances and folk flavoringsthat draw you in, and encourage repeated listens. Another one of their tricks, before they were able to pull acrowd of their own, was to arrange huge parties.

Hoffmaestro make no bones about the fact that they want tosee how far they can take this, in every way. Hypd then, they have gradually moved from thesmallest stages to the big ones. Their diverse backgrounds in music makes for another secret weapon. At this hoffkaestro in their career, Hoffmaestro feel that theycan write about almost anything that occupies their thoughts, and lives. Travelling and seeingthe world sure beats working in an office. Hotfmaestro of their own studio, a cottage in a park near central Stockholm,Hoffmaestro thrive on throwing themselves into the creative process as often aspossible.

Their aim is to work hard, while retaining the carefreesense of joy and cameraderie that has characterized this band from day one. Check out the new Musicvideo for Hoffmaestros Highwayman here! In thebeginning, a lot of their lyrices shared the same sense of joy as the music —it was a lot about living in the present.

Too Hype for the Radio (Dig It!?)

What these bands have in commonis that they combine various elements, styles and spices into their own musicalmelting pot. Since then, they have focused on touring, recording, and makingmusic videos.

hoffmaestro too hype for the radio

Have a look behind the scenes at the "Skank-a-tronik punkadelica tour ". As alive act, Hoffmaestro represent a unique combination of discipline and chaos.

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