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Be the first to add this to a list. National Library of Australia. In Indonesian, with some articles in English. Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website. Public Private login e. The book, entitled Lumpur Lapindo File: Login to add to list. buku lumpur lapindo file konspirasi sby-bakrie

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buku lumpur lapindo file konspirasi sby-bakrie

Berdasarkan analisa yang mendalam serta komprehensif penulis mampu menjelaskan tali-temali perselingkuhan birokrasi dalam menyikapi kasus tersebut. Order a copy Copyright or permission restrictions may apply. See what's been added to the collection in the current 1 2 3 4 5 6 weeks months years. Menurutnya, jawaban tak hanya akan bisa ditemukan di lapangan sebagai persoalan teknis dan sosial semata, tetapi juga persoalan politik yang filw para pembuat kata putus yang bertahta di pusat kekuasaan.

Please enable cookies in your browser to get the full Trove experience. National tons of hazardous waste turned back to Australia.

Konspirasi SBY-Bakrie - Ali Azhar Akbar in mustamin14's book collection | CLZ Cloud for Books

Summary Alleged conspiration between Indonesian government under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and conglomerate Aburizal Bakrie on the case of hot mud flowing from a natural gas well being drilled by Lapindo Brantas. In the Library Request this item to view in the Library's reading rooms using your library card. Adanya para ahli geologi di Indonesia yang berpendapat sby-bakrei semburan lumpur ini adalah gejala alam, pada umumnya adalah mereka yang tidak memahami teknologi pemboran, mereka yang bekerja di luar industri perminyakan, terutama di badan-badan pemerintah, atau mereka yang pekerjaannya terkait dengan Lapindo Brantas Inc.

Ketidakberdayaan negara untuk menegakkan keadilan lingkungan berujung pada pembiaran terhadap korban bencana Lapindo.

Akbar, Ali Azhar [WorldCat Identities]

Wahyu added it Sep 13, Elwindra Ferdian marked it as to-read Apr 09, Akbar, Ali Azhar, Public Private login e. Request this item to view sby-bakdie the Library's reading rooms using your library card.

Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website. Reyza Hadi marked it as to-read Apr 20, Features By the way…BJ Habibie in my memory.

Konspirasi SBY-Bakrie

The National Library may be able to supply you with a photocopy or electronic copy of all or part of this item, for a fee, depending on copyright restrictions.

Melalui tulisan ini diharapkan agar kasus lumpur Sidoarjo dapat dibuka kembali karena terdapat novum yang cukup dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara akademik. Then set up a personal list of libraries from your profile page by clicking on your user name at the top right of any screen.

buku lumpur lapindo file konspirasi sby-bakrie

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Hening Sby-bakri added it Oct 07, Mineral industries -- Environmental aspects -- Indonesia -- Sidoarjo. Browse titles authors subjects uniform titles series callnumbers dewey numbers starting from optional.

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buku lumpur lapindo file konspirasi sby-bakrie

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Skip to content Skip to search. You must be logged in to Tag Records. Other suppliers National Library of Australia - Copies Direct The National Library may be able to supply you lapondo a photocopy or electronic copy of all or part of this item, for a fee, depending on copyright restrictions.

Business Fintech customers need protection from fraud, data misuse: Rayinda marked it as to-read Dec 18, Gas well drilling -- Environmental aspects -- Indonesia. Boy rated it it was amazing Jan 21, Mineral industries -- Social aspects -- Indonesia -- Sidoarjo.

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